The NBBTU is a forum for unions in the NB construction industry to develop a common front on issues affecting this sector, such as:
The NBBTU is the united voice of construction organized labour in New Brunswick.
Elected negotiating committees consult with members to find out the important issues in a round of negotiations. Your collective agreement, in addition to better benefits and wages , also guarantees your hours of work, seniority rights, protection from harassment and discrimination, safe working conditions and scheduled break times.
Government statistics show that unionized workers make an average of 30% more then non-unionized workers in the same industries.
Union members enjoy some of the best health & welfare benefits in Canada.
This includes pension, dental and vision coverage, sick pay disability insurance and many other benefits. Your collective agreement ensures you have the freedom to take the necessary time off of work, start a family or take the vacation you want and deserve.
Your rights as set out in your collective agreement are protected. The violation of these rights will lead to the filing of a grievance. You must inform your Steward and/or Union Representative if your rights have been violated - whether it be with regard to pay, benefits, harassment or any other rights’ violation. Grievance procedures are timely and if unresolved between the employer and Union, may proceed to arbitration, based on their merits.
You will never be unjustly fired or disciplined. It is up to the employer to prove they have just cause to take such action and you will have the resources of the Union’s legal department fighting to get your job or missed pay back to you as soon as possible.